Yerel Güncelleme Tarihi: 6 Haz 2024 16:00

Antalya'da 1 saatte 3 farklı ormanlık alanda yangın çıktı

Antalya'da bugün öğlen saatlerinde meydana gelen iki yangın Kuşkavağı Mahallesi ve Konyaaltı Belediyesi karşısındaki ormanlarda çıktı.

antalya yangın

Antalya'da Orman Yangını: Üçüncü Yangın Ahmetler Mahallesi'nde

Antalya'da bugün öğleden sonra meydana gelen üçüncü orman yangını Ahmetler Mahallesi'nde çıktı. Saat 15.00 civarında başlayan yangın, Gazipaşa’daki Orman Genel Müdürlüğü İHA tarafından yapılan rutin kontrol sırasında tespit edildi. Havadan ve karadan müdahaleye hızla başlanan yangına 4 helikopter, 2 uçak, 8 arazöz, 2 su ikmal aracı, 2 ilk müdahale aracı ve çok sayıda orman işçisi ile ilk etapta müdahale edildi. Kontrol altına alınması için çalışmaların yoğun şekilde sürdüğü bildirildi.

İlk Yangınlar Yerleşim Alanlarına Yakın Noktalarda Başladı

Antalya'da bugün öğlen saatlerinde meydana gelen iki yangın Kuşkavağı Mahallesi ve Konyaaltı Belediyesi karşısındaki ormanlarda çıktı. Vatandaşların ihbarı üzerine bölgeye polis ve itfaiye ekipleri sevk edildi. Rüzgarın etkisiyle geniş alana yayılan yangın, Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü ekiplerinin de desteğiyle yaklaşık 2 saatlik çalışma sonrası kontrol altına alındı.

TOMA'lar da Destek Verdi

Yangını söndürmek için Antalya Emniyet Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı TOMA'lar da bölgeye yönlendirildi. Polis ekipleri ve Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi'ne bağlı müdahale araçları ile orman işletme ekiplerinin yoğun çabalarıyla yangın kontrol altına alındı.

Kreş Tahliye Edildi

Yangının etkisi altındaki bölgelerde bulunan bir kreşte eğitim gören çocuklar, güvenlik tedbiri olarak tahliye edildi. Konyaaltı Belediyesi'nde misafir edilen çocuklar, ailelerine teslim edildi.

Diğer Gelişmeler

Aksu ilçesi Çamköy mevkisinde çıkan ikinci yangın da ekipler tarafından kontrol altına alındı. Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Durmuş Ali Arslan, yangınların kontrol altına alınması için yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgi verdi. Ayrıca, Denizli'nin Pamukkale ilçesinde çıkan orman yangınıyla ilgili de çalışmalar sürüyor.

Forest Fires Erupt in Antalya: Flames Rise in Three Locations

In Antalya's Konyaaltı and Aksu districts, fires broke out in two separate locations. Thanks to the rapid intervention of residents and firefighters, the fires near residential areas were brought under control and cooling efforts commenced. A third fire also erupted in Manavgat, where firefighting efforts continue.

At around 15:00, a forest fire started in Ahmetler Mahallesi. The fire was detected by the General Directorate of Forestry's UAV during a routine patrol in Gazipaşa. Firefighting helicopters and ground teams from the Manavgat Forest Management Directorate began their response. Initially, 4 helicopters, 2 airplanes, 8 fire trucks, 2 water supply vehicles, 2 first response vehicles, and numerous forest workers were mobilized to combat the fire. Efforts to control the fire are ongoing intensely.

First Fire Near Residential Areas

Two fires in Antalya broke out around 13:00 in the forest opposite Konyaaltı Municipality in Kuşkavağı Mahallesi. Residents who saw the rising smoke reported it to the 112 Emergency Call Center. Numerous police and fire brigade teams were dispatched to the area. Before the teams arrived, business owners and workers attempted to extinguish the fire.

With the fire spreading rapidly due to the wind, support was requested from the Forest Management Directorate. Helicopter support helped bring the fire under control after approximately two hours of work. CHP's Konyaaltı Mayor Cem Kotan visited the scene to oversee the efforts closely.

Police Water Cannons Deployed

To assist in extinguishing the Konyaaltı fire, police water cannons (TOMAs) from the Antalya Police Department were also deployed. Around 7 TOMAs and police teams joined the firefighting efforts. Additionally, 10 response vehicles and 50 personnel from the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality were on-site. Numerous fire trucks and personnel from the Forest Management Directorate also contributed to the firefighting efforts. Nearby businesses provided water and ayran to the teams affected by smoke. Some residents also helped by using buckets and hoses to fight the fire.

Nursery Evacuated

Children attending a nearby nursery were evacuated as a precaution. They were temporarily hosted at the Konyaaltı Municipality before being handed over to their families.

Second Fire in Aksu

The second fire erupted in a wooded area in the Çamköy region of Aksu district. Witnesses who saw the rising smoke and flames reported it to the authorities. Teams quickly arrived at the scene and managed to control the fire before it spread to homes and greenhouses. After approximately two hours of work, the fire was brought under control and cooling efforts began.

Following the fires, Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Durmuş Ali Arslan visited both sites and later made a statement in Konyaaltı. "The fire that broke out over a 10-hectare area has been brought under control by our teams, but 1.5 hectares were damaged. We deployed 10 response vehicles and 50 personnel to the site. The fire in Aksu Çamköy was also brought under control by our teams. I thank the Antalya Police Department and the Forest Management Directorate teams," he said.

Another Fire in Denizli

A forest fire also broke out in Pamukkale, Denizli. The fire in the forest area near Akhan Mahallesi is currently being brought under control. Fire trucks, a water supply vehicle, and a bulldozer from the Denizli Regional Directorate of Forestry were dispatched to the area. Firefighters from Denizli Metropolitan Municipality are also assisting in the efforts. Efforts to control the fire are ongoing.

Ekleme Tarihi: 6 Haz 2024 16:00